
BGC Innova™ NuLine Plus™

Product Description

InnovaTM Nuline™ Plus is a weatherboard-style cladding system perfect for achieving a seductive and modern look. With a style that echoes real timber, Nuline™ Plus is the natural evolution of the ever-popular Nuline™ weatherboard.

The Nuline™ Plus tongue-&-groove fitting will deliver seamlessly consistent joins throughout your project. With its slight bevel on the rear of the plank allowing a 25mm bearing face on the stud, you’ll find fixing and nailing exceptionally easy.

BGC NuLine Plus™ Weatherboards are a BRANZ Appraised general-purpose fibre cement cladding for external applications. They are manufactured as planks, which are reminiscent of traditional weatherboards both in appearance and installation methods.

Nuline Plus™ is factory sealed and primed for maximum weather protection.

NuLine Plus™ Weatherboards are not subject to timber rot, decay, or insect damage and will not support combustion. The result is a safer, more durable cladding that requires minimumal maintenance.

NuLine Plus™ is available in a smooth finish. At 14 mm thick, NuLine™ has the strength to withstand the rigours of all normal family activities.

NuLine Plus™ Weatherboard is manufactured from Portland cement, finely ground silica, cellulose fibres and water. Planks are cured in a high-pressure steam autoclave to create a durable, dimensionally stable product.

Nuline Plus™ has been durability tested and can be painted any colour including Black.

BGC NuLine Plus™ Weatherboard has been BRANZ Appraised No. 640 and 641 for both Cavity and direct fixed construction.

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