
BGC Innova™ Stratum™, Stratum Duo™, Stratum Trio™

Product Description

InnovaTM Stratum™ is among the best-selling products in the Innova range. Choose one profile as a standalone, or mix-‘n’-match to create an eye-catching and original exterior cladding system.

Stratum™ 300mm is a wide plank with a 16mm horizontal joint; Stratum™ Duo 300mm is a wide plank with a 16mm centre groove and the look of two slimmer planks; Stratum™ Trio is a wide plank with two 16mm grooves. All variations come in a woodgrain option.

They are fast and easy to install and come factory sealed and primed for NZ weather conditions.

The Stratum System can be installed with a variety of corner details - slimline Aluminium corners, mitred or boxed corners.

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