Dualroof Industrial Fibreglass Roofing
By Ampelite NZ

Product Description
The Ampelite Dualroof Industrial Fibreglass Roofing System uses the fundamental principals of double-glazing to create a simple yet functional insulated skylight system. Overseas countries with colder climates use complicated double glazed skylights to prevent heat loss. The Ampelite Dual Roof System has specifically been designed for the New Zealand climate, with simplicity and ease of installation a high priority. Whilst the system is not unique in theory, in practice the system provides natural daylight whilst also ensuring minimum loss of heat.
Fibreglass Dualroof Systems
- DR20: DR20 is designed to be easily installed with most commercial roofing profiles. DR20 consist of two sheets of fibreglass roofing with differing profile heights. This allows the top sheet to sit on the rib of the bottom sheet creating a 20mm air gap between the pans of the sheets, depending on the profile height of the bottom sheet. For this reason, DR20 does not have the same thermal performance of Dualroof MAX (below).
- Dualroof MAX: To get the maximum performance from a double-skinned skylight, the two sheets of fibreglass roofing should not touch at any point, in order to maintain an air cavity between sheets, as areas where the sheets touch can allow heat to escape. The air cavity needs to be airtight as air flow between the two sheets can impact on the thermal performance of the system. Dualroof MAX utilises high-density foam spacer blocks to hold two sheets of the same profile apart, thus maintaining the air cavity, and a closed cell foam tape to seal the sides and ends of the sheets.
- Triroof: As with the DR20 system, the TR20 is designed to be easily installed with most commercial roofing profiles. TR20 consists of three sheets of fibreglass roofing with differing profile heights. This allows the top sheet to sit on the rib of the bottom sheet creating a 20mm air gap between the pans of the sheets, depending on the profile height of the bottom sheet. For this reason, TR20 has the best thermal performance of all the fibreglass Dualroof systems.
Premium Dualroof System
- DR-TW2: DR-TW2 uses a fibreglass top sheet and a Lexan Multiwall two-wall polycarbonate bottom sheet. DR-TW2 is designed to be easily installed with most commercial roofing profiles with the Lexan bottom sheet providing a smooth flat surface to the underside of the skylight which is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. A profiled fibreglass spacer strip is used at the purlin line to lift the top fibreglass sheet off the Lexan bottom sheet, creating an extra air gap between the two sheets, thus adding to and increasing the thermal performance of the DR-TW2 system.
- DR-TW5: As with the DR-TW2 system, the DR-TW5 system uses a fibreglass top sheet; however, for increased thermal performance, the Lexan Multiwall two-wall polycarbonate bottom sheet is replaced by a Lexan Multiwall five-wall polycarbonate bottom sheet. The extra air cells in the Lexan five-wall sheet increase the R value from 0.30 to 0.54. The surface finish properties of the Lexan Multiwall sheeting used for the bottom sheet in the Dualroof Premium Systems have been assessed in accordance with the ISO 5660 and achieved a group number ‘3’ performance in accordance with NZBC Verification Method C/VM2 Appendix. The full test report is available by request from your local Ampelite office.
- FIRE PERFORMANCE: The Lexan Multiwall used on the bottom sheet has achieved an Internal Surface Finish Group number of 1-S according to performance determined under the conditions described in ISO 9705:1993 required by NZBC clause C3.4(A). Performance is achieved through MBIE Guidance on European Classification.