- Adhesives & Compounds(27)
- Cladding(19)
- Exterior & Landscape(14)
- Flooring(1)
- Heating, Ventilation & Air Con.(13)
- Insulation(21)
- Interiors, Furnishings & Equipment(7)
- Kitchen & Bathroom(4)
- Lighting & Electrical(7)
- Metal, Timber & Plastics(3)
- Paint & Coatings(3)
- Plumbing, Drainage & Gas(9)
- Roofing(18)
- Security, Fire & Safety(10)
- Services(13)
- Wall Coverings(7)
- Wall Linings, Ceilings & Partitions(30)
- Waterproofing(32)
- Windows, Doors & Glazing(15)
CONTEGA® EXO Exterior window and door connection strip
Pro Clima NZ -
DASATOP® refurbishment vapour control layer
Pro Clima NZ -
TESCON EXTORA Weathertight sealing tape
Pro Clima NZ -
Pro Clima NZ -
INSTAABOX Electrical flush box housing
Pro Clima NZ -
DB+ Reinforced vapour control layer and airtightness membrane
Pro Clima NZ -
COMPEGO® Vapour barrier tape
Pro Clima NZ -
KAFLEX MONO Sealing grommets for 1 cable 6 -12 mm
Pro Clima NZ -
SOLITEX MENTO® 1000 Roof Underlay
Pro Clima NZ -
ORCON CLASSIC Airtight sealing glue
Pro Clima NZ -
UNI TAPE Universal adhesive tape
Pro Clima NZ -
INTELLO® Intelligent Airtightness & vapour control membrane
Pro Clima NZ -
8mm SEPERATION MESH for building underlays behind metal claddings
Pro Clima NZ -
TESCON PROFIL Corner sealing tape
Pro Clima NZ -
KAFLEX Duo Sealing Grommets
Pro Clima NZ -
AEROSANA® VISCONN FIBRE fibre reinforced brush on airtightness sealant
Pro Clima NZ -
DASATOP® FIX Mounting rail for secure positioning of DASATOP®
Pro Clima NZ -
GLUMEX Glue removing agent
Pro Clima NZ -
INTELLO® PLUS Intelligent Airtightness & vapour control membrane
Pro Clima NZ