SM5 Smokemaster Smoke Curtain

Product Description
The Colt SM5 is the latest product development from Colt International Limited’s Centre of Excellence in Germany. It is gravity failsafe, activated by the fire signal, and is deployed under a controlled rate of descent, which is certified to EN 12101--1. It features an architecturally pleasing “Comfort Fit” bottom bar and a rivet / screw free bottom plate which makes the assembly virtually invisible when in its retracted position. SM5 can optionally utilize the FS or FR side guides systems which provide additional smoke sealing. Its unique motors and compact controls have built-in overload protection.
The purpose of a smoke curtain is to contain those gases within the building and to set up a barrier to prevent their movement. The product performs within its specified performance category. An external signal will cause an automatic smoke curtain to move to its requisite position. The controls, functionality and the type of protection that it is to offer (for instance, for protection of life or of goods) needs to be defined in advance.
Smoke curtains are installed where it is not desirable to see a barrier in its operating down position. Smoke curtains are only expected to drop when there is actually a fire or when being tested. Another reason why smoke curtains are used is because of the need to keep clearance from production processes or cranes.
A smoke curtain is essentially a roller blind incorporating heat resistant fabric, normally held retracted at ceiling level. A bottom bar is filled with weights and thereby stabilizes the curtain.
Environmental Performance
• Operate temperatures -5ºC to 60ºC
• R.H. up to 80%
• To withstand smoke at temperatures up to the specified range once only.
• It is suitable for all kinds of buildings although action should be taken to prevent it being exposed to corrosive atmospheres.
Testing / Certificate
EC Certificate of Conformity 0672 – CPD – 0144 Temperature/ Time-Classification D120
Date: 19.05.2008
The D120 Curtain fabric achieves an A2 elemental class a2-sl-d0 in accordance with EN 13501-2. Norm classification in acc. with table 1, EN 12101-1.
3 typical applications are:
• Void Edge - to contain smoke
• Channelling - to guide smoke along set routes
• Reservoir - to minimise smoke spread