By MAXRaft

Product Description
MAXSlab is an insulated, concrete slab-on-ground flooring system for use in residential and light commercial buildings. The MAXSlab features a continuous polystyrene insulating layer beneath the slab and to the exterior perimeter surfaces. The MAXSlab can be designed as an insulated slab-on-grade where ground conditions meet the requirements of 'good ground' as per NZS 3604.
MAXSlab is based around three components which combine to provide a foundation with an R-value of R3 and above depending on the nature of the site:
- MAXEdge Perimeter Insulation: Designed to both create a thermal break and bear the weight of perimeter walls, these footings reduce heat loss from the floor at the point where up to 80% of such loss occurs.
- Load Bearing Thickenings: MAXRaft's load-bearing thickenings can support load-bearing walls within the home while maintaining a complete thermal envelope around the foundation.
- MAXSlab Infill: A cost-effective method of ensuring that the home is properly insulated and a thermal break is maintained throughout with solid sheets of insulation.
Key Features
- Increased thermal efficiency
- Standard heights 300, 350 and 400mm (bespoke options available)
- Site-specific engineering
- Reliable, proven construction details
- Achieves an R-Value of R3 and above according to floor type
- Delivered to site in pre-cut segments along with a site-specific panel plan
- Less time required on site