Glass Vice® Commercial Balustrades

Product Description
Glass Vice® Commercial Glass balustrade system for Areas of Public Gathering Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Shopping Malls, Schools, Airports Commercial Buildings
The Glass Vice® Commercial glass Balustrade systems require NO holes in the glass.
Designed using the Glass Vice® Handrail system and the Glass Vice® Glass clamps
The system uses 15mm glass with a minimal 40mm x 20mm continuous rail. The continuous railing adds a huge safety factor to Frameless Glass systems in areas of public gathering.
Having a Frameless Glass system allows good visibility in the Retail environment. It has the versatility of either top or side fixing.
Full technical back up is available for architects and specifiers.
Excerpt from code:
C1/C2 Areas with tables or fixed seating - Areas with fixed seating adjacent to a balustrade, restaurants, bars etc.
C3 – Areas without obstacles for moving people and not susceptible to overcrowding – Stairs, landings external balconies, edges of roofs, etc.
C5 - Areas susceptible to overcrowding – Theatres, cinemas, grandstands, discotheques, bars, auditoria, shopping malls (see also D), assembly areas, studios, etc.
D - Retail areas – All retail areas including public areas of banks / building societies, (see C5 for areas where overcrowding may occur)