
Solasafe Polycarbonate Roofing

Product Description

Solasafe Polycarbonate Roofing by Ampelite is a  polycarbonate sheeting provides 99.9% protection from harmful UV rays that cause sunburn and skin damage. Outdoor family and children’s play areas are part of the New Zealand lifestyle, and adding an outdoor living area to your home can enhance your family life and add value to your property. Selecting the best roofing solution is the first step to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your investment.

Strong and Lightweight
Solasafe sheeting is manufactured from polycarbonate an advanced polymer with optical and physical properties that can’t be matched by other materials. With impact strength up to 150 times that of tempered glass normal hail won’t cause damage. Solasafe polycarbonate is easy to handle and install. Sheets can be curved, so you can create a great look. Solasafe is stable at temperatures of -40° to +110°. It does not distort or soften in heat but it is advisable to store under cover prior to installation.