
Product Description

IBS PRIMAaqua is a wet area lining panel manufactured from cellulose fibre cement, with rebated edges on each length. PRIMAaqua has a smooth, sanded and sealed surface to ensure minimal water and moisture absorption in the exposed surface. Impact resistant and moisture resistant attributes have made PRIMAaqua the ideal choice for internal dry and wet area applications.

Benefits of PRIMAaqua

PRIMAaqua is a high performance cellulose fibre cement sheet manufactured with sand, cement, cellulose fibre and additives. It is one of the most resistant materials there is for your exterior and interior.

Key attributes and benefits:

  • Durability and long lifetime
  • Environmentally friendly materials
  • Strength, impact resistance and toughness
  • Waterproofing and fireproofing
  • Not prone to warping or cracking
  • Good acoustic insulation and water resistance
  • Good thermal and heat insulation
  • Low maintenance

PRIMAaqua Intended Use

IBS supplies PRIMAaqua panels for use as:

  • An internal dry wall.
  • An internal and external ceiling panel.
  • A floor and wall substrate lining (over an existing structural floor) and wall framing for wet areas.
  • A flat, even surface that can be covered with ceramic tiles or paint. You can use a water-based, acrylic or epoxy paint system, after the panels have been properly filled. In wet areas, PRIMAaqua can also be used with an approved waterproof

Scope of Use

IBS supply PRIMAaqua for use within the following scope:

  • In all buildings where the structure is suitable for the intended building work.
  • In all building areas prone to water splashes.
  • As a tile substrate over existing or new reconstituted wood floors (e.g. plywood, particle board, OSB and timber tongue and groove).
  • As a wet area lining for bathrooms, kitchens, laundries and internal rooms with high humidity.
  • In conjunction with an approved firewall design.


  • When specifying and installing PRIMAaqua make sure you follow the IBS PRIMAaqua Design and Installation Guide.
  • PRIMAaqua should not be installed on timber framing where the moisture content is greater than 18%.
  • Tiles must be installed with a flexible tile adhesive that’s also compatible with PRIMAaqua. Talk to your preferred adhesive manufacturer for recommendations.
  • When specifying and installing PRIMAaqua as a flooring substrate, the panels must be fully supported by a rigid flooring material.

Technical Files

Compliance Files