Counterweighted - Whiteboard System

Product Description
Whiteboard counterweighted and counterbalanced units save space and provide a number of functional benefits. They are good for large rooms where the elevation of whiteboard content aids readability. Our whiteboards and greyboards, both of which can be installed into the unit, accept magnetic accessories such as magnetic buttons, sheets, strips, erasers, tape and lettering. Options of chalkboards and pinboards could also be installed into the unit, if desired. These units provide more writing surface area than a conventional board of the same width would.
Our whiteboards are porcelain-on-steel surfaces, which makes them very resilient to whiteboard pens – they do not stain.
As with all Potter Interior Systems whiteboard products, these units are customisable to your needs.
Counterbalanced Units
Counterbalanced units consist of two standard single-sided whiteboards or chalkboards of similar dimensions and weight, equally balanced within a robust aluminium frame that allows for easy, quiet vertical adjustment. Their precision sealed bearing, chain-driven, counterbalanced connections move one board up when the other is drawn down.
Counterweighted Units
Counterweighted units have independently-weighted whiteboards or chalkboards that allow each board to move up or down independently from one another. They are available as single board or two board options, and we can increase the working area by adding an extra wall-mounted board behind the floating boards.