Mountain Shale Stone Veneer

Product Description
The Mountain Shale stone veneer profile by Classic Stone brings together all the qualities of its natural mountain stone counterpart: rugged and gnarly textures with deep undulations, sharp edges with irregular shapes; an overall deeper profile with strong character.
The shapes in this profile have a lineal orientation with an average thickness of 45mm.
- fire places
- chimneys
- pillars
- landscape
- interior features
- cladding
Compliance Files
CAD Files
01. Internal Corner with Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.dwg
01. Internal Corner with Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.pdf
02. Internal Corner with EIFS Cavity System.dwg
02. Internal Corner with EIFS Cavity System.pdf
03. Internal Corner Weatherboard.dwg
03. Internal Corner Weatherboard.pdf
04. Internal Corner Detail.dwg
04. Internal Corner Detail.pdf
05. External Corner with EIFS Cavity System.dwg
05. External Corner with EIFS Cavity System.pdf
06. External Corner Weatherboard.dwg
06. External Corner Weatherboard.pdf
07. External Corner Detail with Plywood Cladding.dwg
07. External Corner Detail with Plywood Cladding.pdf
08. External Corner Detail.dwg
08. External Corner Detail.pdf
01. Horizontal Joint with Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.dwg
01. Horizontal Joint with Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.pdf
02. Horizontal Joint with Weatherboard Direct Fix.dwg
02. Horizontal Joint with Weatherboard Direct Fix.pdf
03. Horizontal Joint with Weatherboard.dwg
03. Horizontal Joint with Weatherboard.pdf
04. Horizontal Joint with EIFS Cavity System.dwg
04. Horizontal Joint with EIFS Cavity System.pdf
01. General Pipe Penetration Detail.dwg
01. General Pipe Penetration Detail.pdf
02. General Meterbox Detail.dwg
02. General Meterbox Detail.pdf
03. Stone Veneer over Block Wall.dwg
03. Stone Veneer over Block Wall.pdf
04. Stone Veneer over Brickwork.dwg
04. Stone Veneer over Brickwork.pdf
05. Soffit Detail.dwg
05. Soffit Detail.pdf
06. Slab Edge Detail with Weepholes.dwg
06. Slab Edge Detail with Weepholes.pdf
07. Slab Edge Detail with Continuous Drainage Slot.dwg
07. Slab Edge Detail with Continuous Drainage Slot.pdf
08. Slab Edge Detail.dwg
08. Slab Edge Detail.pdf
09. Sealant Joints for Fibre Cement Sheet.dwg
09. Sealant Joints for Fibre Cement Sheet.pdf
10. Roof Abutment Detail.dwg
10. Roof Abutment Detail.pdf
11. Rebated Slab Edge Detail.dwg
11. Rebated Slab Edge Detail.pdf
12. Chimney Cap Detail.dwg
12. Chimney Cap Detail.pdf
13. General Meter Box.dwg
13. General Meter Box.pdf
01. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.dwg
01. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to Plywood or Fibre Cement Sheet.pdf
02. Vertical joint Stone Veneer to Weatherboard Direct Fix.dwg
02. Vertical joint Stone Veneer to Weatherboard Direct Fix.pdf
03. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to Weatherboard Cavity.dwg
03. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to Weatherboard Cavity.pdf
04. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to EIFS Cavity System.dwg
04. Vertical Joint Stone Veneer to EIFS Cavity System.pdf
03. Window Jamb Detail Recessed.dwg
03. Window Jamb Detail Recessed.pdf
04. Window Jamb Detail.dwg
04. Window Jamb Detail.pdf
05. Window Head Detail.dwg
05. Window Head Detail.pdf