Mammoth Wall Insulation

Product Description
High performance, long-lasting, moisture resistant insulation that won't sag, Mammoth® Wall Insulation is available in three formats to help create a warmer, drier homes and buildings.
- Sections are semi-rigid polyester insulation that is friction fitted between studs. Mammoth airlay wall sections are self-supporting and contribute to a superior installation without gaps, creases, folds or compression. Proven to maximise it's thermal performance and outperform (on tested wall sections)
- Blanket rolls are lofted polyester insulation that is stapled to the top dwang to fit snugly between wall studs.
- Masonry wall is high density insulation sections for masonry lined homes within a frame or strapping system to increase thermal performance.
Designed to work in conjunction with the building systems of existing and new homes, Mammoth Wall insulation provides effective, durable and reliable insulation that you can be assured works for at least 50 years.
Download Mammoth Wall Sections datasheet here and Installation Guidelines here.
Download Mammoth Wall Blanket datasheet here and Installation Guidelines here.
Download Mammoth Masonry Sections datasheet here and Installation Guidelines here.