Edgetec Mini Post Balustrade

Product Description
Edgetec Mini Post Balustrade is an upright aluminium clamp system and is one of the most popular frameless glass balustrade systems, particularly for glass pool fencing. Innovation has driven the design of the Edgetec Mini Post system, bringing together patented aluminium clamps, stainless steel and glass for compliant, strong and great looking finishes for reliable balustrades or pool fencing.
Key Features
- Fast and easy installation
- No holes required for installation of glass panels
- At a touch, the glass panels tilt to allow inline adjustment using Juralco's patent-pending adjustment technology
- Can be custom coloured in a wide range of Dulux powder coat finishes
- Crafted covers hide the engineered stainless steel fixings and clamping plates
- 12mm thick toughened safety glass panels
- Interlinking top rail finished in same powder colour as fixings
- Custom made solution
Scope of Use
- Mini Post Balustrade is for Domestic and Residential Occupancy types A, A Other and C3 only Occupancy Types as per AS/NZ 1170.1.2002
- Suitable for balustrading or pool fencing
- A specially designed aluminium gutter bracket is available for Edgetec Mini Post balustrade installations onto waterproof and floating decks
Limitations of Use
- Not suitable for Commercial C3 applications
- Edgetec Mini Post balustrade must only be installed in accordance with the Edgetec Mini Post product manual
- Glass must have a minimum strength of 100mpa
- All glass edges must be polished
- Interlinking top rail must be fitted on frameless glass balustrade systems
Statement of Building Code Compliance
- Designed and manufactured in New Zealand, the Edgetec Mini Post balustrade system has been engineered and tested by independent engineers to comply with NZ standards NZS4223.3.2016, AS/NZS1170, New Zealand Building Code B1, B2 and F4, NZBC Clause F9 & 162C of the Building Act (pool safety legislation)
- Edgetec Mini Post balustrade is suitable for Occupancy A, A other and C3 Residential
- An interlinking top rail has been incorporated into the Edgetec range to comply with new 2016 balustrade regulations — NZS4223.3.2016
- Any deviation from standard fabrication or installation must be accompanied by a site specific PS1, with site specific calculations and drawings
Other Performance Attributes
- All infill glass must be toughened safety glass, complying with AS/NZS 2208
- Dulux Duralloy® powder coating systems are suitable for properties greater than 100m from high tide level
AAMA 2603 performance. Residential buildings, 3 levels max. Warranty 10 yrs - Dulux Duralloy Plus® powder coating systems are suitable for properties greater than 10m from high tide level.
AAMA 2603 performance. Residential and Light commercial buildings, 3 levels max Warranty 15 yrs. - Dulux Duratec® powder coating systems are suitable for properties greater than 10m from high tide level AAMA2603 and 2604 performance. All Residential and Commercial buildings. Warranty 25 yrs.