DULUX Luxepoxy 4 White Primer

Product Description
DULUX LUXEPOXY 4 White Primer is a non inhibitive two pack solvent borne primer based on an epoxy resin and polyamide curing agent.
DULUX LUXEPOXY 4 White Primer is recommended on all galvanised steel, non ferrous metals, concrete and timber as the primer for high performance epoxy, polyurethane, enamels and water borne acrylics. It displays the same high degree of solvent, chemical and abrasion resistance as LUXEPOXY 4 Finish. LUXEPOXY 4 White Primer is typically used over appropriate substrates in the chemical and petroleum industry, food and beverage plants, abattoirs, canneries and in conjunction with inorganic zinc as a lining for steel potable water storage tanks.
• Non toxic pigments
• Used for food, beverage and water contact with topcoat
• Apply over galvanised steel, non ferrous metals, concrete and timber.
Product Code: 730-81386