ConcreteSeal 3 in 1

Product Description
Resene ConcreteSeal 3 in 1 is a versatile fast drying primer/sealer for concrete that may also be used as a coloured dust coat for new and aged interior concrete floors.
Typical uses:
- Concrete
- Concrete floors
- Dust coat for interior concrete floors
- Tilt slab.
Colour: Concrete grey.
1. Rapid dry time.
2. Eliminates the need for acid etching of glossy concrete.
3. Compatible with most topcoats.
4. May be overcoated within one hour.
1. Resene ConcreteSeal 3 in 1 is not designed to give long-term exterior protection without overcoating. Durability of up to three months can be expected in mild marine conditions or better.
2. Resene ConcreteSeal 3 in 1 will usually attain maximum adhesion after several days.
3. Drying times of solventborne paints may be extended when applied directly over Resene ConcreteSeal 3 in 1.
4. Can be overcoated with Resene water and solventborne epoxies with the exception of Resene Imperite I.F. 503 solid or metallic colours.
Please ensure the current Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet are consulted prior to specification or application of product. If in doubt contact Resene. Enjoy the Resene Promise of Quality Guarantee on Resene decorative coatings - see Resene for more information. Resene decorative coatings are tinted using unique Resene non VOC tinters enabling you to achieve the desired colour without added VOCs.
Engineered Systems Coatings products are tinted using special Resene industrial tinters. Remember Resene can create a customised specification free for your project - contact us for more information. Order colour charts and drawdowns of Resene colours from the Resene website.