Von Duprin 6200 Series - Electric Strike

Product Description
Von Duprin is the leading manufacturer of premium, heavy-duty electric strikes known for their reliability, durability and security. The Von Duprin 6000 series feature all stainless steel construction, are nonhanded and available in 12V or 24V DC. Strikes are furnished fail secure (FSE) standard, with fail safe (FSA) optional. Electric Strikes provide remote release of a locked door. They allow the door to be opened without retracting the latchbolt. This occurs by the releasing of the electric strike lip (sometimes called keeper or gate). When the door closes the beveled latchbolt rides over the lip and falls into the electric strike pocket.
Application: Commercial
General Specifications:
Input Voltage: 12 or 24vdc
Holding Strength: 450kg
Warranty: 1 Year Electical
- Fail Safe
- Fail Secure
Available Finishes:
- Satin Stainless Steel