Top Hung Sliding Door Systems - Glass Glide

Product Description
The Glass Glide manual top hung sliding door system makes style affordable. Available in both side light and non side light versions and with the ability to span from 2000m to 5000m carrying a door up to 150kg the Glass Glide is versatile and robust, making it an excellent addition to any residential or commercial project.
Finishes are natural anodized or powder coated to a colour of your choice.
Finishes are natural anodized or powder coated to a colour of your choice.
Technical Files
1.0 Installation
1.1 Installation
4.1 - Glass Glide Sliding Door Set
4.2 - Glass Glide Sliding Door Setout Details
4.3 - Glass Glide Ceiling Mount with Sidelight Carrier
4.4 - Glass Glide Ceiling Mount with Sidelight Carrier
4.5 - Metro MF250 Heavy Duty Top Hung Sets
4.6 - Metro MRS90 Bottom Sliding System