HYDRO™ SEAL - Bituminous Masonry Sealer for buried structures

Product Description
Hydro™ Seal is a black waterproof membrane that has been formulated to act as a damp-proof membrane behind retaining walls and buried structures
- It’s suitable for concrete, concrete block and brick-work, wood and metal.
- Passed the vapour flow resistance level requirements for a water vapour barrier as per E2/AS1 BRANZ Report number DC2547
- Meets moisture vapour permeability requirements of NZS 3604:2011
Hydro™ Seal – Advantages
- Hydro Seal is simple to apply by brush or roller
- Is compatible with green concrete
- Has excellent adhesion to masonry and concrete etc.
- Fast cure time
- Low water permeability
- Sulphates and ground salts resistant