DULUX AcraTex AcraShield Advance

Product Description
DULUX AcraTex AcraShield Advance is a mid-build, Elastomeric performance coating applied by conventional nap roller or airless spray to form a finishing barrier coat in AcraTex Texture and Anti-carbonation systems. Available in Matt and Low Gloss finishes across the full Dulux World of Colour range, AcraShield Advance delivers a paint like appearance with film builds twice that of standard decorative paint for enhanced crack bridging performance. AcraTex Texture Systems are specified with AcraShield Advance weather-proofing topcoat for optimum life cycle efficiency.
Applied in two coats by nap roller producing a semi-smooth paint look . Also applied by texture roller as two coat multi-layer texture system. Suitable for both commercial & residential uses over all type of cement based masonry substrates exposed in all type of enviroments including seaside areas. Tested and approved as anticarbonation coating system for reinforeced engineered concrete. Insert system specification table.
• Elastomeric Membrane
• Carbonation Protection
• Barrier against dirt resistance
• Selection of Dulux UV resistant full colour range
• 10 Year warranty when applied as a full AcraTex system
• Protective (barrier-shield) finishing coat in AcraTex systems. Flexible, crack bridging , elongation performance to maintain barrier protectio as substrate expands & contracts.
• Protection from re-bar corrosion of steel reinforced concrete
• Significantly improves surface washability and reduces dirt accumulation staying cleaner longer
• Delivers full exterior Dulux range
• Warranted system delivering extende life cycle & reducing maintance costs
Product Code: 194-X0101