Australian Pilularis Black Butt

Product Description
A moderate to large tree, attaining 40 to 60 m in height and 1 to 2 m in stem diameter. It has a straight slender trunk, circular in cross-section. The bark on the lower part of the trunk is dark grey-brown in colour, fibrous and fissured. Typical smooth gum type bark occurs on branches and the uppermost part of the trunk. The heartwood is pale brown with a faint tinge of pink when freshly cut. Sometimes the sapwood is indistinguishable from the heartwood but usually it is slightly paler in colour.
Grain: Moderately coarse textured and uniform.
Texture: Open and uniform. Grain straight but occasionally slightly interlocked and in some cases it has a greasy appearance and feel.
Vessels: Medium to large in size, often arranged in oblique chains. Vessel lines prominent on dressed longitudinal surfaces.
Engineering. As sawn or round timber in wharf and bridge construction, railway sleepers, cross-arms, poles, piles, mining timbers. Not recommended for poles in-ground in pole frame house construction.
Construction. As unseasoned, sawn timber in general house framing, fascia and barge boards and as seasoned dressed cladding, internal and external flooring, lining and joinery. Also in fencing, landscaping and retaining walls.
Decorative. Internal quality furniture, outdoor furniture, turnery, parquetry.
Others. Boat building (keel and framing components planking, decking), coach, vehicle and carriage building, agricultural machinery, structural plywood, hardboard.