SpecAdvisor develops free helpline to support the specification community

SpecAdvisor develops free helpline to support the specification community

With an ever-changing business landscape and many teams now working remotely, getting access to up-to-date information on building products and the supply of these products is becoming increasingly difficult.

To support the specification community, SpecAdvisor have expanded their consulting service to include a free help line.

SpecAdvisor, a CMS initiative, supports architects, designers and anyone involved with creating project specifications, with a team of consultants available across the country who can help. This free service can provide:

  • Technical product advice to support specific projects or project challenges
  • Collation of product information for projects
  • Direct access to hundreds of industry manufacturers and distributors
  • Support with information on product availability

Free consultation meetings can take place via video conference, phone or email.

Find out more at specadvisor.co.nz