
Product Description
Tricore is a fully lined, insulated cost effective roof system, it is practical, fully detailed and backed by Dimond and Nuralite. Tricore offers a choice of roofing profiles and skylights easily optimized for appearance, thermal and acoustic performance, providing the flexibility to enhance performance and meet client needs.
By specifying Dimond Tricore, designers will confidently cover off the following design objectives:
- Limiting convection movement of warm air and the moisture it contains through to the roof underside, while still allowing warm air and moisture movement downwards in summer conditions
- Using components that do not absorb moisture and have proven resistance to deterioration from intermittent moisture contact
- Preventing moisture accumulation by providing a ventilated airspace where any condensation moisture which might form is readily dispersed
The Dimond Tricore Insulated Roof System delivers reliable performance in managing roof space moisture without the need for design specification for levels of ventilation or vapour barrier inclusion.