
Price Holyoake Ceiling Round Diffuser - CRP

Product Description

Adjustable Supply Air Pattern, from Horizontal to Vertical Projection.
Manual, or Automatic adjustment via a Thermal Power Pill.

The CRP diffuser is an adjustable supply air plaque diffuser that offers an alternative appearance to the CRA range with visually appealing styling and a strong ceiling effect. All of the diffusers in the CRP range have a circular plaque core to maintain a uniformity of appearance.

In standard form the diffuser is manually adjustable to change the supply air pattern from horizontal for cooling to vertical discharge for heating. The adjustment is made by turning the circular plaque core centre to provide horizontal throw in the down position and vertical throw in the up position.

The radial supply air pattern and slim ?ange of the CRP means the diffuser achieves an excellent ceiling effect. This makes the diffuser suitable for variable air volume applications.