Garador Controll-A-Door GDO-11

Product Description
Enjoy the convenience, safety and security you always get with a Garador Controll-A-Door GDO-11 – Now with TrioCode™128 Technology
The Garador™ GDO-11 Overhead Garage Door Opener introduces your door to:
•DC motor with soft start/soft stop operation, suitable for doors up to 13.5m
•S-ALPS (Semi-Automatic Limits Positioning System) for reliable limit setting
•Battery Backup and SmartSolar™ solar charging options for operation when or where mains power is unavailable
•Steel C-Rail for a cleaner and safer operation
•Courtesy Light that illuminates with each cycle, and can operate independently of the door
•Comes standard with two TrioCode™128 Key ring Transmitters