Dominator GDO-9 Premium Sectional Door Opener

Product Description
A new addition to the Dominator family, the Premium GDO-9, with super-quiet DC operation, is designed with the future in mind.
With the Dominator GDO-9 You Get:
• Soft Start/Soft Stop operation that reduces noise and stress on the door by cleverly adjusting speed at the start and end of each cycle
• DC powered motor with torque of 1,000N for doors up to 18.0m2
• Battery Backup and SmartSolar™ solar charging options for operation when or where mains power is unavailable
• ALPS (Automatic Limits Positioning System) that makes for millimetre perfect stops at the desired open and close positions
• Pre-assembled C-Rail for a clean and safe installation - available in a super quiet aluminium rail with belt drive option
• Courtesy Light that illuminate with each cycle, and can operate separately from the door
• Comes standard with one TrioCode™128 Wireless Wall Mount Transmitter and two TrioCode™128 Keyring Transmitters