Dominator GDO-6 Roller Door Opener

Product Description
The Dominator® roller garage door opener has an ultra compact side profi le that allows installation into almost any limited side-room situation. The opener features soft start/soft stop, which ramps up at the start and decelerates at the end of a cycle. This reduces load and wear on the opener and softens the point of contact when the door fi nishes closing.
Included with the opener is a pair of stylish and compact four button key ring transmitters which generate over 4.29 billion random access codes.
With a Dominator® automatic garage door opener, you can access your garage in comfort and security.
The Dominator GDO-6 Features:
• Requires only 40mm side-room minimum
• Soft start/soft stop
• Four button key ring transmitters
• Easy access transmitter on manual release cord
• Intelligent door profiling
• Automatic limits positioning
• Remote controlled courtesy light
• Auto-Close mode (available when photo electric beam sensor is fi tted)
• Overload and service indicator
• Vacation mode
• Pedestrian mode
• Easy to operate manual release