D3600F - Septic Tanks

Product Description
Width: 1.65 metres
Height: 2.17 metres
Length: 2.50 metres
The Devan 3600 Septic tank is a lightweight tank of 245kg for easy transportation and installation. They are extremely strong and robust and can be used for below or above ground applications.
Devan Septic Tanks are designed and manfactured for New Zealand conditions and have the following features:
- Compliant with AS/NZS1548.1:2008 Septic Tank Standard
- Structurally designed and FEA tested
- World leading rotationally moulded design using specifically formulated below-ground material for increased strength
- Lightweight for easy transportation and installation
- Adjustable riser and easily accessible manhole
- 22mm lifting eyes allows an easy fit for certified shackles
- 15 year warranty