Loved and Loathed: Sydney’s Modernist Buildings

Loved and Loathed: Sydney’s Modernist Buildings
“Architects of the Modern Movement were reformers, responding to the social, political and economic upheaval caused by industrialisation and world wars and this architecture reflects a key moment in Sydney’s history.”
Some individuals have been moved to do what they can to preserve mid-twentieth century buildings. Architect Rory Toomey has campaigned to preserve Gaden House, a late 1960s modernist-style building in Double Bay. Toomey launched an online petition after the building’s owner filed a development application to the local council. Citing the use of horizontal and vertical sun shades and a dramatic circular staircase as some of Gaden House’s most distinctive features, Toomey told ABC Radio News:
“I’m feeling a real sense of urgency because I’ve seen so many great 20th-century buildings get destroyed.”
The final outcome in the debate over Sydney’s modernist heritage is unclear and the Council plan is still being reviewed. Whether the city will defend more buildings remains to be seen, but for the moment conservationists are applauding small gains and interim victories.